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More clients testimonials

First of all, we highly apprecicated our clients feedback and suggestions, they can help us to improve our service. With them we can develop our business more and more. We believe if we satisfy our clients, our clients will introduce PassionSource to others, so that we have opportunity to expand business to their friends or their clients. Following some more our clients are happy to supply us a testimonial to our potential new clients. Thanks a lot.
Old testimonial please check here: http://www.passionsource.com.cn/NewsDetail-105.html

Qestion 1:
Hi Raja, I am working for Kathleens 5 Rooftop Restaurant and Bar, and we are in the process of signing a website company to develop our new website. We thought that Passionsource is a company worthy of consideration. They mentioned that you have employed their service in the past to develop the website, haofresh.bxjj.com. We would like to have your opinion on Passionsource so we can get a better view of the quality of their service and product. Thank you

Answer 1:
Hi Kevin,

We liked the overall experience we had with Passion Source. We found
some difficulty in communicating as we cant speak Chinese. But looking at
your name, i guess you can speak Chinese. Then communication will be much
much better. They helped a lot by giving us new ideas and explaining the
scenario in China. But since ours is more than just a website, we had to
involve in various stages of development. For a normal website, i think they
are well qualified to do that. I had seen another website of theirs, which i
liked a lot...And beyond is always ready to help us and he clarified all our
doubts which are well beyond the scope of the project. So, on an overall i
liked the experience. One suggestion, get the scope and timeline of the
project well defined before the start of the project. It reduces the hassle
during the development process.

i would rate them 7.5 on a scale of 10.

with regards
Raja Sekhar
Founder of Kriya Media

Qestion 2:
Hi, Alex,
Your name were given by Mr. Beyond Tang as a client reference. I would
appreciate very much if you can kindly provide reference for the quality of
Passionsource service for the design and coding of your site:
1. Did Passionsource design and code your site? If yes, which site?
2. What did their service include?
3. Were you satisfied with the quality of their
-- a. design,
-- b. coding,
-- c. timeliness in meeting project deadlines,
-- d. responsiveness
-- e. after sale services and
-- f. price when compared with others?
4. If you have one area you feel were their particular weakness, what
is it? How would you do differently if you had to do it again?

Since I am seriously considering procuring their service this week, I would
appreciate if you can provide this reference in the next few days.

Answer 2:
1. Yes, Passionsource did design and build my website, including all
the programming and coding, front and back-end.
2. Their service included pretty much everything (although I wrote and
translated all of the info. on the site!)
3. Overall, I was very satisfied with their work and would not hesitate
to recommend them.
-- a. Design - 4/5
-- b. Coding - 4/5
-- c. Timeliness - 4/5
-- d. Responsiveness - 5/5
-- e. After sale services - 5/5
-- f. Price when compared with others? - 5/5
4. If they have a weakness, I would say it is in attention to detail.
So, make sure that you explicitly state what you want and what you expect
from them, right down to the finest detail - this will avoid any problems
occurring later down the line. Otherwise, I can highly recommend Beyond and
his team, they are very professional and provide an excellent service to my
business, for which I am very grateful to them. Further note that they are
extremely competitive on price.
If you need any further information, just ask.
Many thanks and good luck with your new website.

Alex Abrahams
General Manager

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